Register to vote

When your details will be included on the Register of Electors

The following table gives the dates when you will be included on the register of electors depending when we receive your application.

Registration dates
Last day to apply to register to voteDate your details will be included on the Register of Electors
Wednesday 22 November 20231 December 2023 (publication of the revised register)
Monday 11 December 2023Tuesday 2 January 2024
Wednesday 10 January 2024Thursday 1 February 2024
Thursday 8 February 2024Friday 1 March 2024
Monday 11 March 2024Tuesday 2 April 2024
Monday 25 March 2024Friday 5 April 2024
Tuesday 16 April 2024Thursday 25 April 2024
Friday 10 May 2024

Monday 3 June 2024

Friday 7 June 2024

Monday 1 July 2024

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Thursday 1 August 2024

Friday 9 August 2024Monday 2 September 2024
Monday 9 September 2024Tuesday 1 October 2024
Thursday 10 October 2024Friday 1 November 2024
Friday 22 November 2024Sunday 1 December 2024 (publication of the revised register)


The revised register of electors is published on 1 December each year.

Using information received from the public, Registration Officers keep two registers - the Electoral Register and the Open Register (also known as the Edited Register).

For more information see Electoral registers.