Young carers: Guidance for healthcare staff

How you can help

If any young person uses your service, you should ask them if they look after someone.

It can be helpful to give them examples of this so that they understand what you're asking.

You could display a poster that tells young carers how they can get help or direct them to the information for young carers..

You could also refer them to the  if needed.

If your patient has a young carer

You should document that the patient is looked after by a young carer on their patient record.

The patient might want the young carer to be in the room with them for the appointment. Don't presume that the young carer should wait outside.

You should also:

  • make sure the young carer understands the information you give them
  • document how the young carer is involved with the patient
  • talk to the young carer to understand their role
  • refer them to South Tyneside Young Carer's service if required

If your patient is a young carer

You should document that they care for someone on their patient record.

You should also:

  • document who they care for and how it affects them
  • refer them to South Tyneside Young Carer's service if required
  • ask them if their school or training provider knows that they are a young carer