Article 4 restrictions

The 兔子先生 has the power to withdraw permitted development rights, if the character of an area would be threatened.

This is known as an 'Article 4 restriction'.

Properties with Article 4 restrictions

If your property is included in the list below, please email, or phone 0191 424 7439 to find out more about what permitted development restrictions are in place for your property. 

Properties in South Tyneside with Article 4 restrictions
Addison Road, West BoldonGrosmont, Hillside
Anderson Street, South Shields7 to 143 (odd numbers only)
Ashleigh Villas, East Boldon3 to 11 (odd and even numbers)
Baring Street, South Shields7 to 121 (odd numbers only)
2 to 116 (even numbers only)
Beach Road, South Shields9, 35 to 113 (odd numbers only)
32 to 166 (even numbers only)
14 to 30 even numbers only i.e. St Johns Court
Belgrave Terrace, South Shields1 to 6 (odd and even numbers)
Bents Park Road, South Shields2 to 32 (even numbers only)
Berkley Street, South Shields1 to 33 (odd numbers only)
2 to 24 (even numbers only)
Blenheim Walk, South Shields1 to 31 (odd numbers only)
2 to 44 (even numbers only)
Bolingbroke Street, South Shields1 to 25 (odd numbers only)
2 to 24 (even numbers only)
Bright Street, South Shields1 to 17 (odd numbers only)
2 to 18 (even numbers only)
Broughton Road, South Shields3 to 101 (odd numbers only)
2 to 118 (even numbers only)
Browns Buildings, West Boldon1, 2, 3
Chatsworth Court, South Shields1 to 8 (odd and even numbers)
Church Lane, WhitburnRed Cottage, The Close
Clayton Street, JarrowThe Old Rectory
Cleadon Hills, South ShieldsN/A
Cleadon Lane, CleadonPeacock Lodge
Cleveland Street, South Shields166
Coston Drive, South Shields52 to 82 (even numbers only)
145, 147
Dean Road, South Shields15, 17
Dale Street, South Shields157
Dipe Lane, West BoldonHall Green Farm
Downhill, West BoldonLand bounded by Downhill Lane to the west
The borough boundary to the south
Hylton Lane to the east
West Boldon Conservation Area's southern boundary to the north
Eastbourne Grove, South Shields30, 32 (Flats 1-6 Curlew House)
34 (Flats 7-12 Curlew House)
49 (a, b, and c)
Eastfields, Whitburn1
East Street, Whitburn2, 4, 6
Eleanor Street, South Shields61, 70, 72
Erskine Road, South Shields1 to 76 (odd and even numbers)
Fairles Street, South Shields1 to 45 (odd numbers only)
2 to 10 (even numbers only)
Flagg Court, South Shields6 to 62 (even numbers only)
Fort Street, South Shields108 to 178 (even numbers only)
Front Street, East Boldon2, 4, 6, 8
10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19
21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29
30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
43, 45, 47
55, 57 (Boldon Lodge), 57a, 59
62 (Mansion House Farm), 64
70 (Boldon House), 71a (Yellow Leas Farm), 71, 72a, 72, 73 (Glebe Cottage), 74, 76, 78
80, 82/84, 88
90, 92, 94a, 94, 96, 98 (The Black Bull)
100, 102, 104, 106
110, 112
Shadwell Towers
Camp Side
Camp Villa
Front Street, Whitburn5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14 (Hall Court was 10-16 even), 15, 17, 18, 19
20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 (Whitehouse Farm), 49
50, 51, 52, 53, 53a, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62
Glebe Farm
Cross House
Whitburn Hall
Gateshead Terrace, West BoldonOsborne House, Bank House
George Scott Street, South Shields1 to 69 (odd numbers only)
2 to 48 (even numbers only)
Grange Terrace, East Boldon1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Hatfield Square, South Shields2 to 74 (even numbers only)
Hedley Close, South ShieldsAll
Henry Nelson Street, South Shields3 to 55 (odd numbers only)
4 to 68 (even numbers only)
Hillcrest, Jarrow1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Horsley Hill Road, South Shields34, 38, 56, 58
James Mather Street, South Shields2 to 62 (even numbers only)
Julian Avenue, South Shields47 to 71 (odd numbers only)
56 to 82 (even numbers only)
Julian Street, South Shields1 to 45 (odd numbers only)
4 to 52 (even numbers only)
Lawe Road, South Shields5 to 62 (odd and even numbers)
The Lawe, South ShieldsThat part of South Shields bounded as follows:

to the east:
by Lawe Road (from its junction with Fort Street to its junction with Ocean Road)
Seafield Terrace
Sea View Terrace
Beach Road (from its junction with Sea View Terrace to its junction with Bents Park Road) and Bents Park Road (from its junction with Beach Road to its junction with Sea Way)

to the south:
by Sea Way and Erskine Road

to the west:
by Westoe Road (from its junction with Erskine Road to its junction with Beach Road)
Fowler Street (from its junction with Beach Road to its junction with Winchester Street)
Winchester Street
Anderson Street (from its junction with Winchester Street to its junction with Coston Drive)
Coston Drive (from its junction with Anderson Street to its junction with West Back Baring Street)
West Back Baring Street (from its junction with Coston Drive to its junction with Fort Street)

and to the north:
by Fort Street (from its junction with West Back Baring Street to its junction with Lawe Road), including (but not limited to) the following properties:
- Anderson Street 7-143 (odd)
- Baring Street 2-116 (even) 7-121 (odd)
- Beach Road 9, 35-113 (odd) 32-166 (even) and 14-30 (evens)
- St Johns Court/Belgrave Terrace 1-6 (odd and even)
- Bents Park Road 2-32 (even)
- Berkely Street 1-33 (odd) 2-24 (even)
- Blenheim Walk 1-31 (odd) 2-44 (even)
- Bolingbroke Street 1-25 (odd) 2-24 (even)
- Bright Street 1-17 (odd) 2-18 (even)
- Broughton Road 3-101 (odd) 2-118 (even)
- Chatsworth Court 1-8 (odd and even)
- Cleveland Street 166
- Coston Drive 52-82 (even) 145, 147
- Dale Street 157
- Eastbourne Grove 30, 32 (Flats 1-6 Curlew House), 34 (Flats 7-12 Curlew House) and 49 (a, b, and c)
- Eleanor Street 61, 70, 72
- Erskine Road 1-76 (odd and even)
- Fairles Street 1-45 (odd) 2-10 (even)
- Flagg Court 6-62 (even) 
- Fort Street 108-178 (even)
- George Scott Street 1-69 (odd) 2-48 (even)
- Hatfield Square 2-74 (even)
- Henry Nelson Street 3-55 (odd) 4-68 (even)
- James Mather Street 2-62 (even)
- Julian Avenue 47-71 (odd) 56-82 (even)
- Julian Street 1-45 (odd) 4-52 (even)
- Lawe Road 5-62 (odd and even)
- Livingstone Street 154- 156 (even)
- Longleat Gardens 1-63 (odd) 42-94 (even)
- Lyndhurst  Street 1-45 (odd) 4-50 (even)
- Marina Drive 1-37 (odd) 2-20 (even)
- Marine Approach 1-89 (odd) 2-104 (even)
- Mariners Cottages 1-39 (odd and even)
- Morton Street 156, 157, 159
- Nelson Avenue 1-19 (odd) 2-24 (even)
- Petworth Close 1-23 (odd) 2-16 (even)
- Pollard Street 3-45 (odd) 8-54 (even)
- Roman Road 1- 121 (odd) 2-100 (even)
- Romilly Street 1-29 (odd) 2-20 (even)
- St Aidans Road 3-33 (odd) 10-54 and 74 (even)
- Salisbury Place 1-33 (odd) 2-16 (even)
- Salisbury Street 1-47 (odd) 2-46 (even)
- Salmon Street 1-75 (odd) 6-78 (even)
- Sea View Terrace 21-33 (odd and even)
- Sea Way 1-15 (odd)
- Seafield Terrace 2-20 (odd and even)
- Selbourne Street 2-54 (even) 7-41 (odd)
- South Woodbine Street 64-108 (even) 91-111 (odd)
- Sydenham Terrace 1-11 (odd and even)
- Trajan Avenue 33-61 (odd) 34-56 (even)
- Trajan Street 1-31 (odd) 2-32 (even)
- Urfa Terrace 1-16 (odd and even)
- Vespasian Avenue 33-59 (odd) 34-60 (even)
- Vespasian Street 1-31 (odd) 2-32 (even)
- Wallington Grove 1-43 (odd) 2-52 (even)
- Woodlands Terrace 1-17 (odd and even)
- Wouldhave Court 1-29 (odd and even)
- Wouldhave Street 98  
Livingstone Street, South Shields154, 156
Longleat Gardens, South Shields1 to 63 (odd numbers only)
42 to 94 (even numbers only)
Lorne Terrace (Front Street), East Boldon2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
Lyndhurst Street, South Shields1 to 45 (odd numbers only)
4 to 50 (even numbers only)
Marina Drive, South Shields1 to 37 (odd numbers only)
2 to 20 (even numbers only)
Marine Approach, South Shields1 to 89 (odd numbers only)
2 to 104 (even numbers only)
Mariners Cottages, South Shields1 to 39 (odd and even numbers)
Monkton Lane, JarrowLand adjacent to White Cottages
Moor Court, WhitburnSellrain House
Morton Street, South Shields156, 157, 159
Nelson Avenue, South Shields1 to 19 (odd numbers only)
2 to 24 (even numbers only)
North Guards, Whitburn1, 3, 5
16, 18, 19
21, 23, 25, 27, 29
31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
41 to 65 (odd numbers only)
73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87
Village Farm (Wellands Lane)
Ivy House
Hope House
Fern House
Sunday School
North Road, East Boldon20, 23
Petworth Close, South Shields1 to 23 (odd numbers only)
2 to 16 (even numbers only)
Pollard Street, South Shields3 to 45 (odd numbers only)
8 to 54 (even numbers only)
Prince Edward Road, South ShieldsLand rear of 125 (123-131)
Prospect Terrace, East Boldon1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Rectory Bank, West Boldon2, 4, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29
Rectory Terrace, West Boldon5, 6, 7
Roman Road, South Shields1 to 121 (odd numbers only)
2 to 100 (even numbers only)
Romilly Street, South Shields1 to 29 (odd numbers only)
2 to 20 (even numbers only)
St Aidans Road, South Shields3 to 33 (odd numbers only)
10 to 54 (even numbers only)
St Nicholas Road, West Boldon3, 4, 7, 9, Hill Top House
1 & 2 Harpers Buildings
Mansion House Bungalow
Hill Top House
St Nicholas Terrace, West Boldon3 Harpers Buildings (formerly 1 Harpers Buildings The Folly / St Nicholas Road)
Salisbury Place, South Shields1 to 33 (odd numbers only)
2 to 16 (even numbers only)
Salisbury Street, South Shields1 to 47 (odd numbers only)
2 to 46 (even numbers only)
Salmon Street, South Shields1 to 75 (odd numbers only)
6 to 78 (even numbers only)
Sandy Chare, Whitburn1, 3
The Cottage
School House
Sea View Terrace, South Shields21 to 33 (odd and even numbers)
Sea Way, South Shields1 to 15 (odd numbers only)
Seafield Terrace, South Shields2 to 20 (odd and even numbers)
Selbourne Street, South Shields7 to 41 (odd numbers only)
2 to 54 (even numbers only)
South Woodbine Street, South Shields91 to 111 (odd numbers only)
64 to 108 (even numbers only)
Station Road, East Boldon1
Sunderland Road, South Shields4 to 32 (even numbers only)
13 to 19 (odd numbers only)
Sunniside Lane, Cleadon3
Sydenham Terrace, South Shields1 to 11 (odd and even numbers)
The Folly, West Boldon1-2 (formerly 1 and 3 The Folly)
Avery Cottage
The Bungalow
1 & 2 Harpers Buildings (now 3 & 2 H B)
1, 2, 3 Browns Buildings
Trajan Avenue, South Shields33 to 61 (odd numbers only)
34 to 56 (even numbers only)
Trajan Street, South Shields1 to 31 (odd numbers only)
2 to 32 (even numbers only)
Underhill Road, Cleadon11
Urfa Terrace, South Shields1 to 16 (odd and even numbers)
Vespasian Avenue, South Shields33 to 59 (odd numbers only)
34 to 60 (even numbers only)
Vespasian Street, South Shields1 to 31 (odd numbers only)
2 to 32 (even numbers only)
Wellands Lane / North Guards, WhitburnVillage Farm
Wallington Grove, South Shields1 to 43 (odd numbers only)
2 to 52 (even numbers only)
Westoe Village, South Shields2 (St Nicholas)
4 (Redhouse)
5 (Sir William Fox Hotel)
The Anchorage
Talbot House
9 (Spindlestone)
The Neuk
Westoe Towers
La Tourelle
White House
The Chase
Derwent Lodge
The Briary
Flagg House
Chapel House
Manor House
Westoe Hall
The Lodge
Ivy House North
Ivy House South
Woodlands Terrace, South Shields1 to 17 (odd and even numbers)
Wouldhave Court, South Shields1 to 29 (odd and even numbers)
Wouldhave Street, South Shields98