Winter health advice

Keep warm, keep well

Very cold weather can increase the risk of:

  • heart attacks
  • strokes
  • severe breathing problems
  • the number of falls

The advice is to stay well and look out for vulnerable friends and neighbours by checking they are warm enough, especially at night, and that they have food and medicines so they don't need to go out.

As the nights get cold and dark it can be tempting to stay in the house. This can leave people feeling lonely or isolated. If you are feeling lonely or isolated, we have over sixty welcoming places in South Tyneside that you can visit, get a cup of tea and meet other people. 

Find your nearest hub at welcoming places in South Tyneside

Winter weather advice

  • Make a plan for someone to help you clear snow or ice from the front of your home if you need to leave your house.
  • Keep an eye on the weather forecast so you can plan your activity.
  • Check daytime room temperature and keep it at 18 掳C (65 掳F).
  • Check bedroom night-time temperature and keep it at 18 掳C (65 掳F) or warmer.
  • If you have to go out make sure you dress warmly and wear non-slip shoes.
  • Always tell someone where you are going and let them know when you get back. If you have a mobile phone keep it charged and on you at all times.
  • Keep active even if you can't leave the house.
  • Dress warmly, eat warm food and drinks regularly.

Keeping your home warm and safe

There are steps you can take to keep your home warm this winter. 

You can prevent your water pipes from freezing by insulating them and draft-proofing around your windows and doors to keep the cold out. 

You should avoid blocking ventilation points in your home.  

Before the cold weather starts, you should also check that your heating is working properly.

Heating utilities

If you can, get an energy efficiency assessment done of your home to see how much money or energy can be saved to help you to stay warm this winter.

Ask your fuel supplier if they have a priority services register and if you would qualify. This will mean that you are prioritised if there are any problems with energy supply.

If you are struggling with your energy bills talk to your supplier who can offer advice around this.

If you use separate fuel such as wood or coal, make sure you have a good supply in case of bad weather.

Fire safety

The Fire Service offer free safe and well checks, to check how safe and healthy your home is. 

To request a visit please visit  or call 0800 0327777. 

For more information on staying well in winter and how to look after vulnerable neighbours, see .