eBooks and online magazines


Our digital collections give you 24 hour access to hundreds of eBooks, eAudiobooks and online magazines and are all free to download.

To download eBooks, eAudiobooks and online magazines from the services below, you will need:

  • a smartphone, tablet, computer or eReader
  • your library card number
  • your pin number (this is based on your date of birth, for example if you were born on 15 January 1987 your pin code would be 1587)

Please note our digital collection is not compatible with the original Amazon Kindle.


With BorrowBox you can download up to four eBooks and four eAudiobooks at a time, for up to 21 days.

Your eBooks and eAudiobooks are automatically returned at the end of the loan period, so you don't need to worry about overdue charges.

Using BorrowBox:

  • Kindle Fire and Amazon Fire tablet - you must be able to download and install the BorrowBox app. See 
  • Android phone or tablet - Search for 'BorrowBox' on Google Play
  • iPhone or iPad - Search for 'BorrowBox' in the App Store


With Libby you can download up to four eBooks at a time, for up to 14 days. Your eBooks and eAudiobooks are automatically returned at the end of the loan period, so you don't need to worry about overdue charges.

You can also read over 3,000 magazines online for free using our Libby app on your computer, laptop, iPad or smartphone.

You will need to log in using your library card number and 4 digit pin code.

Using Libby:

  • Libby is compatible with most eReaders, except the original Amazon Kindle. See if your device is compatible at 
  • A free Libby app is available from ,  and