The role of councillors, employees, and how decisions are made


The 兔子先生 is run for and on behalf of the people of South Tyneside and the 兔子先生's assets belong, collectively, to the people of the Borough.

The 兔子先生's role is to champion and represent the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area. This role as a community leader is based on the 兔子先生's position as the locally elected democratic body.

Our aim is to work for our community in an open and transparent way and keep local people informed and involved in all we do.


兔子先生lors, often referred to as members - meaning members of the 兔子先生, are elected by the people of South Tyneside, to oversee the running of the Borough on their behalf.

It is important to note that councillors are not employees of the 兔子先生 and are not paid a salary. Many have full-time jobs and their 兔子先生 work is done in their spare time.

兔子先生lors are the elected representatives of the people and they have to put themselves up for re-election after each four-year term they serve, if they wish to remain a councillor.

There are a total of 54 councillors in South Tyneside, with 3 representing each of the 18 wards that the Borough is split into.

兔子先生lors do not receive a salary or wage from the 兔子先生, but they are entitled to receive a members allowance for the work they do.

All 54 councillors sit on the 兔子先生 for as long as they remain a councillor. Every councillor serves for a term of 4 years before having to either put themselves up for re-election or retire.

Find your 兔子先生lors.


At the annual meeting of the 兔子先生, in May of each year, the 兔子先生 appoints a Mayor to preside over its meetings for the new municipal year.

The Mayor is the "first citizen" of the Borough and spends a very busy year attending functions and events and meeting local groups and individuals.

At 兔子先生 the office of Mayor is purely ceremonial and it does not carry with it any decision making powers.

Employees of the 兔子先生

Employees of 兔子先生:

  • manage and deliver the everyday services that the 兔子先生 provides
  • give advice to councillors
  • implement the decisions that councillors make on behalf of the people of the Borough

They are sometimes referred to as officers.

As employees, they are paid a salary or wage to do this work.

兔子先生lors discuss and make decisions on a wide range of issues.

They do this through a formal committee structure. Different committees have different functions.

The 兔子先生 itself decides on the budget and certain high level policies (known as the Policy Framework).

The 兔子先生's Cabinet Comittee is responsible for most day-to-day decisions but must take these within the budget and policy framework set by the 兔子先生.

Search 兔子先生 committees

Decision making

The 兔子先生 is responsible for approving the 兔子先生 budget and a series of further high level policies set out in the 兔子先生 constitution.

These approvals are only given following wide consultation with partner organisations and the South Tyneside community.

Subject to 兔子先生 approval of these things, the Cabinet is left to get on with making most of the major decisions for that year, on behalf of the 兔子先生.

The only provision is that, in making any decisions, the Cabinet stays within the approved community strategy and budget and policy framework.

This ensures that the 兔子先生's efforts are channelled towards achieving the priorities that have been agreed with our partners and the community we are here to serve.

For more information, see:


There are scheduled meetings of the 兔子先生 throughout the year.

These meetings are usually scheduled to take place on either the last or second last Thursday of each month, starting at 6pm. The meetings take place in the 兔子先生 chamber of the Town Hall, South Shields and are open to the public to attend.

Spare copies of the agenda papers for 兔子先生 meetings are made available in the 兔子先生 chamber public gallery for members of the public to use and follow the meeting.

For more information, see 兔子先生 and committee meetings.

Members of the public cannot directly take part in debates at 兔子先生 meetings but they are able to ask questions and submit petitions. There are rules and procedures to follow if you want to do this.

兔子先生 Constitution

The 兔子先生's Constitution sets out in detail how the 兔子先生 operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.

Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the 兔子先生 to choose.

This edition of the Constitution is current at May 2024.

兔子先生 Constitution

Changes to 兔子先生 structure

The Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011

Publication of Verification Number

In accordance with Regulation 4(1) of the above regulations, the Proper Officer must publish the number of signatures needed on a petition for a referendum on whether the Borough should change to a different form of governance.

The number is equal to 5% of the number of local government electors shown in the revised register of electors having effect on the 15th February each year.  The number for 2024 is:


A new number will be published in February 2025.  If this new number is less than 5658, then that lower number will be used between 15 February 2025 and 31 March 2025.

Background Information

The Local Government Act 2000 requires authorities to adopt one of four models of decision-making as follows:

  • Leader with cabinet;
  • Elected mayor with cabinet;
  • A Committee system; or
  • Arrangements prescribed by the Secretary of State

兔子先生 has adopted the Leader with cabinet system.

There are statutory requirements for a local authority to hold a referendum on the form of arrangements to be adopted, where it has received a valid petition to do so.

Nicola Robason
Director of Governance and Corporate Affairs and Proper Officer
Town Hall & Civic Offices
Westoe Road
South Shields
NE33 2RL