Community Dental Service

The service provides specialist dental advice and care for patients with special needs.



  1. Overview
  2. 兔子先生 available
  3. Who can access the service
  4. How to access the service


The service provides:

  • specialist dental advice and care for patients with special needs
  • all dental health care for those unable to access a universal dentist

兔子先生 available

The service supports people who can't access a normal dentist, or whose needs can't be met within the general dental service.

Some of the adjustments the service can make include:

  • extra time
  • communication aids
  • physical aids
  • other treatment methods such as sedation or general anaesthesia

Who can access the service

  • All age groups
  • Those who are unable to access universal dental care.
  • People who have special needs, including:
    • people who are medically compromised or have mental health issues 
    • adults and children with severe learning disabilities or physical disabilities 
    • children with challenging behaviour

How to access the service

Any health or social care professional can make a referral. 

Please visit their website for more details: